Explainable Deep Modeling of Tabular Data using TableGraphNet

by   Gabriel Terejanu, et al.

The vast majority of research on explainability focuses on post-explainability rather than explainable modeling. Namely, an explanation model is derived to explain a complex black box model built with the sole purpose of achieving the highest performance possible. In part, this trend might be driven by the misconception that there is a trade-off between explainability and accuracy. Furthermore, the consequential work on Shapely values, grounded in game theory, has also contributed to a new wave of post-explainability research on better approximations for various machine learning models, including deep learning models. We propose a new architecture that inherently produces explainable predictions in the form of additive feature attributions. Our approach learns a graph representation for each record in the dataset. Attribute centric features are then derived from the graph and fed into a contribution deep set model to produce the final predictions. We show that our explainable model attains the same level of performance as black box models. Finally, we provide an augmented model training approach that leverages the missingness property and yields high levels of consistency (as required for the Shapely values) without loss of accuracy.


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