Exploration of High-Dimensional Grids by Finite State Machines

by   Stefan Dobrev, et al.

We consider the problem of finding a treasure at an unknown point of an n-dimensional infinite grid, n≥ 3, by initially collocated finite state agents (scouts/robots). Recently, the problem has been well characterized for 2 dimensions for deterministic as well as randomized agents, both in synchronous and semi-synchronous models. It has been conjectured that n+1 randomized agents are necessary to solve this problem in the n-dimensional grid. In this paper we disprove the conjecture in a strong sense: we show that three randomized synchronous agents suffice to explore an n-dimensional grid for any n. Our algorithm is optimal in terms of the number of the agents. Our key insight is that a constant number of finite state machine agents can, by their positions and movements, implement a stack, which can store the path being explored. We also show how to implement our algorithm using: four randomized semi-synchronous agents; four deterministic synchronous agents; or five deterministic semi-synchronous agents. We give a different algorithm that uses 4 deterministic semi-synchronous agents for the 3-dimensional grid. This is provably optimal, and surprisingly, matches the result for 2 dimensions. For n≥ 4, the time complexity of the solutions mentioned above is exponential in distance D of the treasure from the starting point of the agents. We show that in the deterministic case, one additional agent brings the time down to a polynomial. Finally, we focus on algorithms that never venture much beyond the distance D. We describe an algorithm that uses O(√(n)) semi-synchronous deterministic agents that never go beyond 2D, as well as show that any algorithm using 3 synchronous deterministic agents in 3 dimensions must travel beyond Ω(D^3/2) from the origin.


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