Extreme Multi-Domain, Multi-Task Learning With Unified Text-to-Text Transfer Transformers

by   Adebayo Oshingbesan, et al.

Text-to-text transformers have shown remarkable success in the task of multi-task transfer learning, especially in natural language processing (NLP). However, while there have been several attempts to train transformers on different domains, there is usually a clear relationship between these domains, e.g.,, code summarization, where the natural language summary describes the code. There have been very few attempts to study how multi-task transfer learning works on tasks in significantly different domains. In this project, we investigated the behavior of multi-domain, multi-task learning using multi-domain text-to-text transfer transformers (MD-T5) on four tasks across two domains - Python Code and Chess. We carried out extensive experiments using three popular training strategies: Bert-style joint pretraining + successive finetuning, GPT-style joint pretraining + successive finetuning, and GPT-style joint pretraining + joint finetuning. Also, we evaluate the model on four metrics - Play Score, Eval Score, BLEU Score, and Multi-Domain Learning Score (MDLS). These metrics measure performance across the various tasks and multi-domain learning. We show that while negative knowledge transfer and catastrophic forgetting are still considerable challenges for all the models, the GPT-style joint pretraining + joint finetuning strategy showed the most promise in multi-domain, multi-task learning as it performs well across all four tasks while still keeping its multi-domain knowledge.


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