Factors that Determine Continuous Intention to Use Mobile Payments in Malawi

by   Jones Ntaukira, et al.

The proliferation of mobile phones has made mobile payments to be widely used in developing economies. However, mobile payment usage in Malawi is low, and there are many limitations to encourage users to continuously use mobile payments. The purpose of this research was to examine determinants of continuous intention to use mobile payments in Malawi. A conceptual framework adapted from Technology Acceptance Model was developed. Data was collected through a survey while data analysis used Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Squares using SmartPLS software. The findings of this study showed that society norms significantly influence continuous intention to use mobile payments (p=0.012). Most interestingly, prior knowledge (p=0.000) and seamlessness (p=0.000) had the strongest influence as compared to structural assurance (p=0.008). Seamlessness significantly influenced satisfaction (p=0.002) and society norms (p=0.001). Seamlessness and service quality had significantly negative effects on satisfaction. The findings of this research provide several considerations to guide the mobile payments industry in Malawi. The findings may also improve the existing mobile payments system's business models, marketing strategies, customer engagement on security issues, transparency, and interoperability of payment systems. Regulators may also find the findings of this study very insightful in advancing the mobile payments agenda in Malawi.


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