Faster Region-Based CNN Spectrum Sensing and Signal Identification in Cluttered RF Environments

by   Todd Morehouse, et al.

In this paper, we optimize a faster region-based convolutional neural network (FRCNN) for 1-dimensional (1D) signal processing and electromagnetic spectrum sensing. We target a cluttered radio frequency (RF) environment, where multiple RF transmission can be present at various frequencies with different bandwidths. The challenge is to accurately and quickly detect and localize each signal with minimal prior information of the signal within a band of interest. As the number of wireless devices grow, and devices become more complex from advances such as software defined radio (SDR), this task becomes increasingly difficult. It is important for sensing devices to keep up with this change, to ensure optimal spectrum usage, to monitor traffic over-the-air for security concerns, and for identifying devices in electronic warfare. Machine learning object detection has shown to be effective for spectrum sensing, however current techniques can be slow and use excessive resources. FRCNN has been applied to perform spectrum sensing using 2D spectrograms, however is unable to be applied directly to 1D signals. We optimize FRCNN to handle 1D signals, including fast Fourier transform (FFT) for spectrum sensing. Our results show that our method has better localization performance, and is faster than the 2D equivalent. Additionally, we show a use case where the modulation type of multiple uncooperative transmissions is identified. Finally, we prove our method generalizes to real world scenarios, by testing it over-the-air using SDR.


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