FeatFSDA: Towards Few-shot Domain Adaptation for Video-based Activity Recognition

by   Kunyu Peng, et al.

Domain adaptation is essential for activity recognition, as common spatiotemporal architectures risk overfitting due to increased parameters arising from the temporal dimension. Unsupervised domain adaptation methods have been extensively studied, yet, they require large-scale unlabeled data from the target domain. In this work, we address few-shot domain adaptation for video-based activity recognition (FSDA-AR), which leverages a very small amount of labeled target videos to achieve effective adaptation. This setting is attractive and promising for applications, as it requires recording and labeling only a few, or even a single example per class in the target domain, which often includes activities that are rare yet crucial to recognize. We construct FSDA-AR benchmarks using five established datasets: UCF101, HMDB51, EPIC-KITCHEN, Sims4Action, and Toyota Smart Home. Our results demonstrate that FSDA-AR performs comparably to unsupervised domain adaptation with significantly fewer (yet labeled) target examples. We further propose a novel approach, FeatFSDA, to better leverage the few labeled target domain samples as knowledge guidance. FeatFSDA incorporates a latent space semantic adjacency loss, a domain prototypical similarity loss, and a graph-attentive-network-based edge dropout technique. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on all datasets within our FSDA-AR benchmark. To encourage future research of few-shot domain adaptation for video-based activity recognition, we will release our benchmarks and code at https://github.com/KPeng9510/FeatFSDA.


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