Feedback Linearization Based Tracking Control of A Tilt-rotor with Cat-trot Gait Plan

by   Zhe Shen, et al.

With the introduction of the laterally bounded forces, the tilt-rotor gains more flexibility in the controller design. Typical Feedback Linearization methods of controlling this vehicle utilize all the inputs; the magnitudes as well as the directions of the thrusts are maneuvered simultaneously based on a unified control rule. Although several promising results indicate that these controllers may track the desired complicated trajectories, the tilting angles are required to change relatively fast or in large scale during the flight. This problem challenges the applicability of these control algorithms. The recent idea in sacrifice the number of input and deem the tilt-rotor an under-actuated system may solve this problem; the tilting angles are fixed or vary in a predetermined pattern without being maneuvered by the control algorithm. By careful avoidance of the singular decoupling matrix, several attitudes can be tracked without changing the tilting angles unexpectedly. While the position was not directly regulated by the Feedback Linearization methods in that research, which left the position-tracking still an open question. In this research, we elucidate the coupling relationship between the position and the attitude. Based on this, we design the position-tracking controller adopting Feedback Linearization. We also plan the gait for the tilt-rotor based on the cat-trot gait. The controller is verified in Simulink, MATLAB. Three types of references are designed for our tracking experiments: setpoint, uniform rectilinear motion, and uniform circular motion. The significant improvement with less steady state error is witnessed after equipping with our modified position-attitude decoupler. This steady state error is also influenced by the frequency of the cat-trot gait.


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