Fine-grained Uncertainty Modeling in Neural Networks

by   Rahul Soni, et al.

Existing uncertainty modeling approaches try to detect an out-of-distribution point from the in-distribution dataset. We extend this argument to detect finer-grained uncertainty that distinguishes between (a). certain points, (b). uncertain points but within the data distribution, and (c). out-of-distribution points. Our method corrects overconfident NN decisions, detects outlier points and learns to say “I don't know” when uncertain about a critical point between the top two predictions. In addition, we provide a mechanism to quantify class distributions overlap in the decision manifold and investigate its implications in model interpretability. Our method is two-step: in the first step, the proposed method builds a class distribution using Kernel Activation Vectors (kav) extracted from the Network. In the second step, the algorithm determines the confidence of a test point by a hierarchical decision rule based on the chi-squared distribution of squared Mahalanobis distances. Our method sits on top of a given Neural Network, requires a single scan of training data to estimate class distribution statistics, and is highly scalable to deep networks and wider pre-softmax layer. As a positive side effect, our method helps to prevent adversarial attacks without requiring any additional training. It is directly achieved when the Softmax layer is substituted by our robust uncertainty layer at the evaluation phase.


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