Gamifying optimization: a Wasserstein distance-based analysis of human search
The main objective of this paper is to outline a theoretical framework to characterise humans' decision-making strategies under uncertainty, in particular active learning in a black-box optimization task and trading-off between information gathering (exploration) and reward seeking (exploitation). Humans' decisions making according to these two objectives can be modelled in terms of Pareto rationality. If a decision set contains a Pareto efficient strategy, a rational decision maker should always select the dominant strategy over its dominated alternatives. A distance from the Pareto frontier determines whether a choice is Pareto rational. To collect data about humans' strategies we have used a gaming application that shows the game field, with previous decisions and observations, as well as the score obtained. The key element in this paper is the representation of behavioural patterns of human learners as a discrete probability distribution. This maps the problem of the characterization of humans' behaviour into a space whose elements are probability distributions structured by a distance between histograms, namely the Wasserstein distance (WST). The distributional analysis gives new insights about human search strategies and their deviations from Pareto rationality. Since the uncertainty is one of the two objectives defining the Pareto frontier, the analysis has been performed for three different uncertainty quantification measures to identify which better explains the Pareto compliant behavioural patterns. Beside the analysis of individual patterns WST has also enabled a global analysis computing the barycenters and WST k-means clustering. A further analysis has been performed by a decision tree to relate non-Paretian behaviour, characterized by exasperated exploitation, to the dynamics of the evolution of the reward seeking process.