GANs and alternative methods of synthetic noise generation for domain adaption of defect classification of Non-destructive ultrasonic testing

by   Shaun McKnight, et al.

This work provides a solution to the challenge of small amounts of training data in Non-Destructive Ultrasonic Testing for composite components. It was demonstrated that direct simulation alone is ineffective at producing training data that was representative of the experimental domain due to poor noise reconstruction. Therefore, four unique synthetic data generation methods were proposed which use semi-analytical simulated data as a foundation. Each method was evaluated on its classification performance of real experimental images when trained on a Convolutional Neural Network which underwent hyperparameter optimization using a genetic algorithm. The first method introduced task specific modifications to CycleGAN, to learn the mapping from physics-based simulations of defect indications to experimental indications in resulting ultrasound images. The second method was based on combining real experimental defect free images with simulated defect responses. The final two methods fully simulated the noise responses at an image and signal level respectively. The purely simulated data produced a mean classification F1 score of 0.394. However, when trained on the new synthetic datasets, a significant improvement in classification performance on experimental data was realized, with mean classification F1 scores of 0.843, 0.688, 0.629, and 0.738 for the respective approaches.


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