Globally Minimal Defensive Alliances: A Parameterized Perspective

by   Ajinkya Gaikwad, et al.

A defensive alliance in an undirected graph G=(V,E) is a non-empty set of vertices S satisfying the condition that every vertex v∈ S has at least as many neighbours (including itself) in S as it has in V∖ S. We consider the notion of global minimality in this paper. We are interested in globally minimal defensive alliance of maximum size. This problem is known to be NP-hard but its parameterized complexity remains open until now. We enhance our understanding of the problem from the viewpoint of parameterized complexity by showing that the Globally Minimal Defensive Alliance problem is FPT parameterized by the neighbourhood diversity of the input graph. The result for neighborhood diversity implies that the problem is FPT parameterized by vertex cover number also. We prove that the problem parameterized by the vertex cover number of the input graph does not admit a polynomial compression unless coNP ⊆ NP/poly. We show that the problem is W[1]-hard parameterized by a wide range of fairly restrictive structural parameters such as the feedback vertex set number, pathwidth, treewidth and treedepth. We also proved that, given a vertex r ∈ V(G), deciding if G has a globally minimal defensive alliance of any size containing vertex r is NP-complete.


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