Gradient Agreement as an Optimization Objective for Meta-Learning

by   Amir Erfan Eshratifar, et al.

This paper presents a novel optimization method for maximizing generalization over tasks in meta-learning. The goal of meta-learning is to learn a model for an agent adapting rapidly when presented with previously unseen tasks. Tasks are sampled from a specific distribution which is assumed to be similar for both seen and unseen tasks. We focus on a family of meta-learning methods learning initial parameters of a base model which can be fine-tuned quickly on a new task, by few gradient steps (MAML). Our approach is based on pushing the parameters of the model to a direction in which tasks have more agreement upon. If the gradients of a task agree with the parameters update vector, then their inner product will be a large positive value. As a result, given a batch of tasks to be optimized for, we associate a positive (negative) weight to the loss function of a task, if the inner product between its gradients and the average of the gradients of all tasks in the batch is a positive (negative) value. Therefore, the degree of the contribution of a task to the parameter updates is controlled by introducing a set of weights on the loss function of the tasks. Our method can be easily integrated with the current meta-learning algorithms for neural networks. Our experiments demonstrate that it yields models with better generalization compared to MAML and Reptile.


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