Gradient-Free Methods for Saddle-Point Problem

by   Aleksandr Beznosikov, et al.

In the paper, we generalize the approach Gasnikov et. al, 2017, which allows to solve (stochastic) convex optimization problems with an inexact gradient-free oracle, to the convex-concave saddle-point problem. The proposed approach works, at least, like the best existing approaches. But for a special set-up (simplex type constraints and closeness of Lipschitz constants in 1 and 2 norms) our approach reduces n/log n times the required number of oracle calls (function calculations). Our method uses a stochastic approximation of the gradient via finite differences. In this case, the function must be specified not only on the optimization set itself, but in a certain neighbourhood of it. In the second part of the paper, we analyze the case when such an assumption cannot be made, we propose a general approach on how to modernize the method to solve this problem, and also we apply this approach to particular cases of some classical sets.


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