High-order combined Multi-step Scheme for solving forward Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
In this work, in order to obtain higher-order schemes for solving forward backward stochastic differential equations, we adopt the high-order multi-step method in [W. Zhao, Y. Fu and T. Zhou, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 36(4) (2014), pp.A1731-A1751] by combining multi-steps. Two reference ordinary differential equations containing the conditional expectations and their derivatives are derived from the backward component. These derivatives are approximated by finite difference methods with multi-step combinations. The resulting scheme is a semi-discretization in the time direction involving conditional expectations, which are solved by using the Gaussian quadrature rules and polynomial interpolations on the spatial grids. Our new proposed multi-step scheme allows for higher convergence rate up to ninth order, and are more efficient. Finally, we provide a numerical illustration of the convergence of the proposed method.