Hotel2vec: Learning Attribute-Aware Hotel Embeddings with Self-Supervision

by   Ali Sadeghian, et al.

We propose a neural network architecture for learning vector representations of hotels. Unlike previous works, which typically only use user click information for learning item embeddings, we propose a framework that combines several sources of data, including user clicks, hotel attributes (e.g., property type, star rating, average user rating), amenity information (e.g., the hotel has free Wi-Fi or free breakfast), and geographic information. During model training, a joint embedding is learned from all of the above information. We show that including structured attributes about hotels enables us to make better predictions in a downstream task than when we rely exclusively on click data. We train our embedding model on more than 40 million user click sessions from a leading online travel platform and learn embeddings for more than one million hotels. Our final learned embeddings integrate distinct sub-embeddings for user clicks, hotel attributes, and geographic information, providing an interpretable representation that can be used flexibly depending on the application. We show empirically that our model generates high-quality representations that boost the performance of a hotel recommendation system in addition to other applications. An important advantage of the proposed neural model is that it addresses the cold-start problem for hotels with insufficient historical click information by incorporating additional hotel attributes which are available for all hotels.


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