How to analyze ambivalence when studying technology acceptance: The case of VJ software automation

by   Anna Spagnolli, et al.

Ambivalence, frequently encountered when collecting users' spontaneous opinions about new software or devices, is rarely addressed as an object of investigation in itself. We suggest that adopting a qualitative approach based on discursive psychology would allow researchers to deal comfortably and usefully with ambivalence, turning it into a precious source of information when trying to fathom technology acceptance. This claim is illustrated through the case of VisualMusic, a program that automatically synchronizes 3D visuals with music for live performance. In a preliminary phase of the study seven stakeholders (VJs, DJs, promoters and venue owners) were interviewed face-to-face, and 102 more via an online survey, about their view of the live music performance sector and of the software they use. The ambivalent points surfaced during this phase were further unpacked in a subsequent, more focused set of interviews with 25 DJs and VJs. Four core controversies were identified and the related arguments described, to account for the ambivalent view that interviewees had on the software assisting their performance, especially if including some degree of automation. The concluding section summarizes the results of the case study in the light of the methodological points made in the paper.


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