IcebergHT: High Performance PMEM Hash Tables Through Stability and Low Associativity

by   Prashant Pandey, et al.

Modern hash table designs strive to minimize space while maximizing speed. The most important factor in speed is the number of cache lines accessed during updates and queries. This is especially important on PMEM, which is slower than DRAM and in which writes are more expensive than reads. This paper proposes two stronger design objectives: stability and low-associativity. A stable hash table doesn't move items around, and a hash table has low associativity if there are only a few locations where an item can be stored. Low associativity ensures that queries need to examine only a few memory locations, and stability ensures that insertions write to very few cache lines. Stability also simplifies scaling and crash safety. We present IcebergHT, a fast, crash-safe, concurrent, and space-efficient hash table for PMEM based on the design principles of stability and low associativity. IcebergHT combines in-memory metadata with a new hashing technique, iceberg hashing, that is (1) space efficient, (2) stable, and (3) supports low associativity. In contrast, existing hash-tables either modify numerous cache lines during insertions (e.g. cuckoo hashing), access numerous cache lines during queries (e.g. linear probing), or waste space (e.g. chaining). Moreover, the combination of (1)-(3) yields several emergent benefits: IcebergHT scales better than other hash tables, supports crash-safety, and has excellent performance on PMEM (where writes are particularly expensive).


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