IIFA: Modular Inter-app Intent Information Flow Analysis of Android Applications

by   Abhishek Tiwari, et al.

Android apps cooperate through message passing via intents. However, when apps do not have identical sets of privileges inter-app communication (IAC) can accidentally or maliciously be misused, e.g., to leak sensitive information contrary to users expectations. Recent research considered static program analysis to detect dangerous data leaks due to inter-component communication (ICC) or IAC, but suffers from shortcomings with respect to precision, soundness, and scalability. To solve these issues we propose a novel approach for static ICC/IAC analysis. We perform a fixed-point iteration of ICC/IAC summary information to precisely resolve intent communication with more than two apps involved. We integrate these results with information flows generated by a baseline (i.e. not considering intents) information flow analysis, and resolve if sensitive data is flowing (transitively) through components/apps in order to be ultimately leaked. Our main contribution is the first fully automatic sound and precise ICC/IAC information flow analysis that is scalable for realistic apps due to modularity, avoiding combinatorial explosion: Our approach determines communicating apps using short summaries rather than inlining intent calls, which often requires simultaneously analyzing all tuples of apps. We evaluated our tool IIFA in terms of scalability, precision, and recall. Using benchmarks we establish that precision and recall of our algorithm are considerably better than prominent state-of-the-art analyses for IAC. But foremost, applied to the 90 most popular applications from the Google Playstore, IIFA demonstrated its scalability to a large corpus of real-world apps. IIFA reports 62 problematic ICC-/IAC-related information flows via two or more apps/components.


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