Implementing Man-in-the-Middle Attack to Investigate Network Vulnerabilities in Smart Grid Test-bed

by   Shampa Banik, et al.

The smart-grid introduces several new data-gathering, communication, and information-sharing capabilities into the electrical system, as well as additional privacy threats, vulnerabilities, and cyber-attacks. In this study, Modbus is regarded as one of the most prevalent interfaces for control systems in power plants. Modern control interfaces are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, posing a risk to the entire energy infrastructure. In order to strengthen resistance to cyber-attacks, this study introduces a test bed for cyber-physical systems that operate in real-time. To investigate the network vulnerabilities of smart power grids, Modbus protocol has been examined combining a real-time power system simulator with a communication system simulator and the effects of the system presented and analyzed. The goal is to detect the vulnerability in Modbus protocol and perform the Man-in-the-middle attack with its impact on the system. This proposed testbed can be evaluated as a research model for vulnerability assessment as well as a tool for evaluating cyber-attacks and enquire into any detection mechanism for safeguarding and defending smart grid systems from a variety of cyberattacks. We present here the preliminary findings on using the testbed to identify a particular MiTM attack and the effects on system performance. Finally, we suggest a cyber security strategy as a solution to address such network vulnerabilities and deploy appropriate countermeasures.


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