In-situ adaptive reduction of nonlinear multiscale structural dynamics models

by   Wanli He, et al.

Conventional offline training of reduced-order bases in a predetermined region of a parameter space leads to parametric reduced-order models that are vulnerable to extrapolation. This vulnerability manifests itself whenever a queried parameter point lies in an unexplored region of the parameter space. This paper addresses this issue by presenting an in-situ, adaptive framework for nonlinear model reduction where computations are performed by default online, and shifted offline as needed. The framework is based on the concept of a database of local Reduced-Order Bases (ROBs), where locality is defined in the parameter space of interest. It achieves accuracy by updating on-the-fly a pre-computed ROB, and approximating the solution of a dynamical system along its trajectory using a sequence of most-appropriate local ROBs. It achieves efficiency by managing the dimension of a local ROB, and incorporating hyperreduction in the process. While sufficiently comprehensive, the framework is described in the context of dynamic multiscale computations in solid mechanics. In this context, even in a nonparametric setting of the macroscale problem and when all offline, online, and adaptation overhead costs are accounted for, the proposed computational framework can accelerate a single three-dimensional, nonlinear, multiscale computation by an order of magnitude, without compromising accuracy.


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