Inferential Tasks as an Evaluation Technique for Visualization

by   Ashley Suh, et al.

Designing suitable tasks for visualization evaluation remains challenging. Traditional evaluation techniques commonly rely on 'low-level' or 'open-ended' tasks to assess the efficacy of a proposed visualization, however, nontrivial trade-offs exist between the two. Low-level tasks allow for robust quantitative evaluations, but are not indicative of the complex usage of a visualization. Open-ended tasks, while excellent for insight-based evaluations, are typically unstructured and require time-consuming interviews. Bridging this gap, we propose inferential tasks: a complementary task category based on inferential learning in psychology. Inferential tasks produce quantitative evaluation data in which users are prompted to form and validate their own findings with a visualization. We demonstrate the use of inferential tasks through a validation experiment on two well-known visualization tools.


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