Institutional Grammar 2.0 Codebook

by   Christopher K Frantz, et al.

The Grammar of Institutions, or Institutional Grammar, is an established approach to encode policy information in terms of institutional statements based on a set of pre-defined syntactic components. This codebook provides coding guidelines for a revised version of the Institutional Grammar, the Institutional Grammar 2.0 (IG 2.0). IG 2.0 is a specification that aims at facilitating the encoding of policy to meet varying analytical objectives. To this end, it revises the grammar with respect to comprehensiveness, flexibility, and specificity by offering multiple levels of expressiveness (IG Core, IG Extended, IG Logico). In addition to the encoding of regulative statements, it further introduces the encoding of constitutive institutional statements, as well as statements that exhibit both constitutive and regulative characteristics. Introducing those aspects, the codebook initially covers fundamental concepts of IG 2.0, before providing an overview of pre-coding steps relevant for document preparation. Detailed coding guidelines are provided for both regulative and constitutive statements across all levels of expressiveness, along with the encoding guidelines for statements of mixed form – hybrid and polymorphic institutional statements. The document further provides an overview of taxonomies used in the encoding process and referred to throughout the codebook. The codebook concludes with a summary and discussion of relevant considerations to facilitate the coding process. An initial Reader's Guide helps the reader tailor the content to her interest. Note that this codebook specifically focuses on operational aspects of IG 2.0 in the context of policy coding. Links to additional resources such as the underlying scientific literature (that offers a comprehensive treatment of the underlying theoretical concepts) are referred to in the concluding section of the codebook.


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