Kernel Density Estimation-Based Markov Models with Hidden State

by   Gustav Eje Henter, et al.

We consider Markov models of stochastic processes where the next-step conditional distribution is defined by a kernel density estimator (KDE), similar to Markov forecast densities and certain time-series bootstrap schemes. The KDE Markov models (KDE-MMs) we discuss are nonlinear, nonparametric, fully probabilistic representations of stationary processes, based on techniques with strong asymptotic consistency properties. The models generate new data by concatenating points from the training data sequences in a context-sensitive manner, together with some additive driving noise. We present novel EM-type maximum-likelihood algorithms for data-driven bandwidth selection in KDE-MMs. Additionally, we augment the KDE-MMs with a hidden state, yielding a new model class, KDE-HMMs. The added state variable captures non-Markovian long memory and signal structure (e.g., slow oscillations), complementing the short-range dependences described by the Markov process. The resulting joint Markov and hidden-Markov structure is appealing for modelling complex real-world processes such as speech signals. We present guaranteed-ascent EM-update equations for model parameters in the case of Gaussian kernels, as well as relaxed update formulas that greatly accelerate training in practice. Experiments demonstrate increased held-out set probability for KDE-HMMs on several challenging natural and synthetic data series, compared to traditional techniques such as autoregressive models, HMMs, and their combinations.


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