Knowledge Graphs Querying

by   Arijit Khan, et al.

Knowledge graphs (KGs) such as DBpedia, Freebase, YAGO, Wikidata, and NELL were constructed to store large-scale, real-world facts as (subject, predicate, object) triples – that can also be modeled as a graph, where a node (a subject or an object) represents an entity with attributes, and a directed edge (a predicate) is a relationship between two entities. Querying KGs is critical in web search, question answering (QA), semantic search, personal assistants, fact checking, and recommendation. While significant progress has been made on KG construction and curation, thanks to deep learning recently we have seen a surge of research on KG querying and QA. The objectives of our survey are two-fold. First, research on KG querying has been conducted by several communities, such as databases, data mining, semantic web, machine learning, information retrieval, and natural language processing (NLP), with different focus and terminologies; and also in diverse topics ranging from graph databases, query languages, join algorithms, graph patterns matching, to more sophisticated KG embedding and natural language questions (NLQs). We aim at uniting different interdisciplinary topics and concepts that have been developed for KG querying. Second, many recent advances on KG and query embedding, multimodal KG, and KG-QA come from deep learning, IR, NLP, and computer vision domains. We identify important challenges of KG querying that received less attention by graph databases, and by the DB community in general, e.g., incomplete KG, semantic matching, multimodal data, and NLQs. We conclude by discussing interesting opportunities for the data management community, for instance, KG as a unified data model and vector-based query processing.


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