Latency Guarantee for Ubiquitous Intelligence in 6G: A Network Calculus Approach

by   Lianming Zhang, et al.

With the gradual deployment of 5G and the continuous popularization of edge intelligence (EI), the explosive growth of data on the edge of the network has promoted the rapid development of 6G and ubiquitous intelligence (UbiI). This article aims to explore a new method for modeling latency guarantees for UbiI in 6G given 6G's extremely stochastic nature in terahertz (THz) environments, THz channel tail behavior, and delay distribution tail characteristics generated by the UBiI random component, and to find the optimal solution that minimizes the end-to-end (E2E) delay of UbiI. In this article, the arrival curve and service curve of network calculus can well characterize the stochastic nature of wireless channels, the tail behavior of wireless systems and the E2E service curve of network calculus can model the tail characteristic of the delay distribution in UbiI. Specifically, we first propose demands and challenges facing 6G, edge computing (EC), edge deep learning (DL), and UbiI. Then, we propose the hierarchical architecture, the network model, and the service delay model of the UbiI system based on network calculus. In addition, two case studies demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the network calculus approach in analyzing and modeling the latency guarantee for UbiI in 6G. Finally, future open research issues regarding the latency guarantee for UbiI in 6G are outlined.


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