Learning Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Synthesizing 3D Mesh Animation Sequences

by   Yi-Ling Qiao, et al.

In this paper, we present a novel method for learning to synthesize 3D mesh animation sequences with long short-term memory (LSTM) blocks and mesh-based convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Synthesizing realistic 3D mesh animation sequences is a challenging and important task in computer animation. To achieve this, researchers have long been focusing on shape analysis to develop new interpolation and extrapolation techniques. However, such techniques have limited learning capabilities and therefore can produce unrealistic animation. Deep architectures that operate directly on mesh sequences remain unexplored, due to the following major barriers: meshes with irregular triangles, sequences containing rich temporal information and flexible deformations. To address these, we utilize convolutional neural networks defined on triangular meshes along with a shape deformation representation to extract useful features, followed by LSTM cells that iteratively process the features. To allow completion of a missing mesh sequence from given endpoints, we propose a new weight-shared bidirectional structure. The bidirectional generation loss also helps mitigate error accumulation over iterations. Benefiting from all these technical advances, our approach outperforms existing methods in sequence prediction and completion both qualitatively and quantitatively. Moreover, this network can also generate follow-up frames conditioned on initial shapes and improve the accuracy as more bootstrap models are provided, which other works in the geometry processing domain cannot achieve.


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