Learning from Multi-View Representation for Point-Cloud Pre-Training

by   Siming Yan, et al.

A critical problem in the pre-training of 3D point clouds is leveraging massive 2D data. A fundamental challenge is to address the 2D-3D domain gap. This paper proposes a novel approach to point-cloud pre-training that enables learning 3D representations by leveraging pre-trained 2D-based networks. In particular, it avoids overfitting to 2D representations and potentially discarding critical 3D features for 3D recognition tasks. The key to our approach is a novel multi-view representation, which learns a shared 3D feature volume consistent with deep features extracted from multiple 2D camera views. The 2D deep features are regularized using pre-trained 2D networks through the 2D knowledge transfer loss. To prevent the resulting 3D feature representations from discarding 3D signals, we introduce the multi-view consistency loss that forces the projected 2D feature representations to capture pixel-wise correspondences across different views. Such correspondences induce 3D geometry and effectively retain 3D features in the projected 2D features. Experimental results demonstrate that our pre-trained model can be successfully transferred to various downstream tasks, including 3D detection and semantic segmentation, and achieve state-of-the-art performance.


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