Learning from Peers: Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Joint Radio and Cache Resource Allocation in 5G Network Slicing

by   Hao Zhou, et al.

Radio access network (RAN) slicing is an important part of network slicing in 5G. The evolving network architecture requires the orchestration of multiple network resources such as radio and cache resources. In recent years, machine learning (ML) techniques have been widely applied for network slicing. However, most existing works do not take advantage of the knowledge transfer capability in ML. In this paper, we propose a transfer reinforcement learning (TRL) scheme for joint radio and cache resources allocation to serve 5G RAN slicing.We first define a hierarchical architecture for the joint resources allocation. Then we propose two TRL algorithms: Q-value transfer reinforcement learning (QTRL) and action selection transfer reinforcement learning (ASTRL). In the proposed schemes, learner agents utilize the expert agents' knowledge to improve their performance on target tasks. The proposed algorithms are compared with both the model-free Q-learning and the model-based priority proportional fairness and time-to-live (PPF-TTL) algorithms. Compared with Q-learning, QTRL and ASTRL present 23.9 and 41.6 achieving significantly faster convergence than Q-learning. Moreover, 40.3 lower URLLC delay and almost twice eMBB throughput are observed with respect to PPF-TTL.


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