Learning Heterogeneous Similarity Measures for Hybrid-Recommendations in Meta-Mining

by   Phong Nguyen, et al.

The notion of meta-mining has appeared recently and extends the traditional meta-learning in two ways. First it does not learn meta-models that provide support only for the learning algorithm selection task but ones that support the whole data-mining process. In addition it abandons the so called black-box approach to algorithm description followed in meta-learning. Now in addition to the datasets, algorithms also have descriptors, workflows as well. For the latter two these descriptions are semantic, describing properties of the algorithms. With the availability of descriptors both for datasets and data mining workflows the traditional modelling techniques followed in meta-learning, typically based on classification and regression algorithms, are no longer appropriate. Instead we are faced with a problem the nature of which is much more similar to the problems that appear in recommendation systems. The most important meta-mining requirements are that suggestions should use only datasets and workflows descriptors and the cold-start problem, e.g. providing workflow suggestions for new datasets. In this paper we take a different view on the meta-mining modelling problem and treat it as a recommender problem. In order to account for the meta-mining specificities we derive a novel metric-based-learning recommender approach. Our method learns two homogeneous metrics, one in the dataset and one in the workflow space, and a heterogeneous one in the dataset-workflow space. All learned metrics reflect similarities established from the dataset-workflow preference matrix. We demonstrate our method on meta-mining over biological (microarray datasets) problems. The application of our method is not limited to the meta-mining problem, its formulations is general enough so that it can be applied on problems with similar requirements.


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