Learning Hypergraphs From Signals With Dual Smoothness Prior

by   Bohan Tang, et al.

The construction of a meaningful hypergraph topology is the key to processing signals with high-order relationships that involve more than two entities. Learning the hypergraph structure from the observed signals to capture the intrinsic relationships among the entities becomes crucial when a hypergraph topology is not readily available in the datasets. There are two challenges that lie at the heart of this problem: 1) how to handle the huge search space of potential hyperedges, and 2) how to define meaningful criteria to measure the relationship between the signals observed on nodes and the hypergraph structure. In this paper, to address the first challenge, we adopt the assumption that the ideal hypergraph structure can be derived from a learnable graph structure that captures the pairwise relations within signals. Further, we propose a hypergraph learning framework with a novel dual smoothness prior that reveals a mapping between the observed node signals and the hypergraph structure, whereby each hyperedge corresponds to a subgraph with both node signal smoothness and edge signal smoothness in the learnable graph structure. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the proposed framework on both synthetic and real world datasets. Experiments show that our proposed framework can efficiently infer meaningful hypergraph topologies from observed signals.


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