Learning structured approximations of operations research problems

by   Axel Parmentier, et al.

The design of algorithms that leverage machine learning alongside combinatorial optimization techniques is a young but thriving area of operations research. If trends emerge, the literature has still not converged on the proper way of combining these two techniques or on the predictor architectures that should be used. We focus on operations research problems for which no efficient algorithms are known, but that are variants of classic problems for which ones efficient algorithm exist. Elaborating on recent contributions that suggest using a machine learning predictor to approximate the variant by the classic problem, we introduce the notion of structured approximation of an operations research problem by another. We provide a generic learning algorithm to fit these approximations. This algorithm requires only instances of the variant in the training set, unlike previous learning algorithms that also require the solution of these instances. Using tools from statistical learning theory, we prove a result showing the convergence speed of the estimator, and deduce an approximation ratio guarantee on the performance of the algorithm obtained for the variant. Numerical experiments on a single machine scheduling and a stochastic vehicle scheduling problem from the literature show that our learning algorithm is competitive with algorithms that have access to optimal solutions, leading to state-of-the-art algorithms for the variant considered.


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