LeiBi@COLIEE 2022: Aggregating Tuned Lexical Models with a Cluster-driven BERT-based Model for Case Law Retrieval

by   Arian Askari, et al.

This paper summarizes our approaches submitted to the case law retrieval task in the Competition on Legal Information Extraction/Entailment (COLIEE) 2022. Our methodology consists of four steps; in detail, given a legal case as a query, we reformulate it by extracting various meaningful sentences or n-grams. Then, we utilize the pre-processed query case to retrieve an initial set of possible relevant legal cases, which we further re-rank. Lastly, we aggregate the relevance scores obtained by the first stage and the re-ranking models to improve retrieval effectiveness. In each step of our methodology, we explore various well-known and novel methods. In particular, to reformulate the query cases aiming to make them shorter, we extract unigrams using three different statistical methods: KLI, PLM, IDF-r, as well as models that leverage embeddings (e.g., KeyBERT). Moreover, we investigate if automatic summarization using Longformer-Encoder-Decoder (LED) can produce an effective query representation for this retrieval task. Furthermore, we propose a novel re-ranking cluster-driven approach, which leverages Sentence-BERT models that are pre-tuned on large amounts of data for embedding sentences from query and candidate documents. Finally, we employ a linear aggregation method to combine the relevance scores obtained by traditional IR models and neural-based models, aiming to incorporate the semantic understanding of neural models and the statistically measured topical relevance. We show that aggregating these relevance scores can improve the overall retrieval effectiveness.


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