Linear-frictional contact model for 3D discrete element simulations of granular systems

by   Matthew R. Kuhn, et al.

The linear-frictional contact model is the most commonly used contact mechanism for discrete element (DEM) simulations of granular materials. Linear springs with a frictional slider are used for modeling interactions in directions normal and tangential to the contact surface. Although the model is simple in two dimensions, its implementation in 3D faces certain subtle challenges, and the particle interactions that occur within a single time-step require careful modeling with a robust algorithm. The paper details a 3D algorithm that accounts for the changing direction of the tangential force within a time-step, the transition from elastic to slip behavior within a time-step, possible contact sliding during only part of a time-step, and twirling and rotation of the tangential force during a time-step. Without three of these adjustments, errors are introduced in the incremental stiffness of an assembly. Without the fourth adjustment, the resulting stress tensor is not only incorrect, it is no longer a tensor. The algorithm also computes the work increments during a time-step, both elastic and dissipative.


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