LLM-FuncMapper: Function Identification for Interpreting Complex Clauses in Building Codes via LLM

by   Zhe Zheng, et al.

As a vital stage of automated rule checking (ARC), rule interpretation of regulatory texts requires considerable effort. However, interpreting regulatory clauses with implicit properties or complex computational logic is still challenging due to the lack of domain knowledge and limited expressibility of conventional logic representations. Thus, LLM-FuncMapper, an approach to identifying predefined functions needed to interpret various regulatory clauses based on the large language model (LLM), is proposed. First, by systematically analysis of building codes, a series of atomic functions are defined to capture shared computational logics of implicit properties and complex constraints, creating a database of common blocks for interpreting regulatory clauses. Then, a prompt template with the chain of thought is developed and further enhanced with a classification-based tuning strategy, to enable common LLMs for effective function identification. Finally, the proposed approach is validated with statistical analysis, experiments, and proof of concept. Statistical analysis reveals a long-tail distribution and high expressibility of the developed function database, with which almost 100 clauses can be interpreted and represented as computer-executable codes. Experiments show that LLM-FuncMapper achieve promising results in identifying relevant predefined functions for rule interpretation. Further proof of concept in automated rule interpretation also demonstrates the possibility of LLM-FuncMapper in interpreting complex regulatory clauses. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to introduce LLM for understanding and interpreting complex regulatory clauses, which may shed light on further adoption of LLM in the construction domain.


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