Low-Rank Generalized Linear Bandit Problems

by   Yangyi Lu, et al.

In a low-rank linear bandit problem, the reward of an action (represented by a matrix of size d_1 × d_2) is the inner product between the action and an unknown low-rank matrix Θ^*. We propose an algorithm based on a novel combination of online-to-confidence-set conversion <cit.> and the exponentially weighted average forecaster constructed by a covering of low-rank matrices. In T rounds, our algorithm achieves O((d_1+d_2)^3/2√(rT)) regret that improves upon the standard linear bandit regret bound of O(d_1d_2√(T)) when the rank of Θ^*: r ≪min{d_1,d_2}. We also extend our algorithmic approach to the generalized linear setting to get an algorithm which enjoys a similar bound under regularity conditions on the link function. To get around the computational intractability of covering based approaches, we propose an efficient algorithm by extending the "Explore-Subspace-Then-Refine" algorithm of <cit.>. Our efficient algorithm achieves O((d_1+d_2)^3/2√(rT)) regret under a mild condition on the action set X and the r-th singular value of Θ^*. Our upper bounds match the conjectured lower bound of <cit.> for a subclass of low-rank linear bandit problems. Further, we show that existing lower bounds for the sparse linear bandit problem strongly suggest that our regret bounds are unimprovable. To complement our theoretical contributions, we also conduct experiments to demonstrate that our algorithm can greatly outperform the performance of the standard linear bandit approach when Θ^* is low-rank.


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