Make A Long Image Short: Adaptive Token Length for Vision Transformers

by   Yichen Zhu, et al.

The vision transformer splits each image into a sequence of tokens with fixed length and processes the tokens in the same way as words in natural language processing. More tokens normally lead to better performance but considerably increased computational cost. Motivated by the proverb "A picture is worth a thousand words" we aim to accelerate the ViT model by making a long image short. To this end, we propose a novel approach to assign token length adaptively during inference. Specifically, we first train a ViT model, called Resizable-ViT (ReViT), that can process any given input with diverse token lengths. Then, we retrieve the "token-length label" from ReViT and use it to train a lightweight Token-Length Assigner (TLA). The token-length labels are the smallest number of tokens to split an image that the ReViT can make the correct prediction, and TLA is learned to allocate the optimal token length based on these labels. The TLA enables the ReViT to process the image with the minimum sufficient number of tokens during inference. Thus, the inference speed is boosted by reducing the token numbers in the ViT model. Our approach is general and compatible with modern vision transformer architectures and can significantly reduce computational expanse. We verified the effectiveness of our methods on multiple representative ViT models (DeiT, LV-ViT, and TimesFormer) across two tasks (image classification and action recognition).


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