Manipulating Embeddings of Stable Diffusion Prompts

by   Niklas Deckers, et al.

Generative text-to-image models such as Stable Diffusion allow users to generate images based on a textual description, the prompt. Changing the prompt is still the primary means for the user to change a generated image as desired. However, changing the image by reformulating the prompt remains a difficult process of trial and error, which has led to the emergence of prompt engineering as a new field of research. We propose and analyze methods to change the embedding of a prompt directly instead of the prompt text. It allows for more fine-grained and targeted control that takes into account user intentions. Our approach treats the generative text-to-image model as a continuous function and passes gradients between the image space and the prompt embedding space. By addressing different user interaction problems, we can apply this idea in three scenarios: (1) Optimization of a metric defined in image space that could measure, for example, image style. (2) Assistance of users in creative tasks by enabling them to navigate the image space along a selection of directions of "near" prompt embeddings. (3) Changing the embedding of the prompt to include information that the user has seen in a particular seed but finds difficult to describe in the prompt. Our experiments demonstrate the feasibility of the described methods.


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