Metadata Extraction from Raw Astroparticle Data of TAIGA Experiment

by   Igor Bychkov, et al.

Today, the operating TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy) experiment continuously produces and accumulates a large volume of raw astroparticle data. To be available for the scientific community these data should be well-described and formally characterized. The use of metadata makes it possible to search for and to aggregate digital objects (e.g. events and runs) by time and equipment through a unified interface to access them. The important part of the metadata is hidden and scattered in folder/files names and package headers. Such metadata should be extracted from binary files, transformed to a unified form of digital objects, and loaded into the catalog. To address this challenge we developed a concept of the metadata extractor that can be extended by facility-specific extraction modules. It is designed to automatically collect descriptive metadata from raw data files of all TAIGA formats.


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