Migrating from Microservices to Serverless: An IoT Platform Case Study

by   Mohak Chadha, et al.

Microservice architecture is the common choice for developing cloud applications these days since each individual microservice can be independently modified, replaced, and scaled. As a result, application development and operating cloud infrastructure were bundled together into what is now commonly called DevOps. However, with the increasing popularity of the serverless computing paradigm and its several advantages such as no infrastructure management, a pay-per-use billing policy, and on-demand fine-grained autoscaling, there is a growing interest in utilizing FaaS and serverless CaaS technologies for refactoring microservices-based applications. Towards this, we migrate a complex IoT platform application onto OpenWhisk (OW) and Google Cloud Run (GCR). We comprehensively evaluate the performance of the different deployment strategies, i.e., Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)-Standard, OW, and GCR for the IoT platform using different load testing scenarios. Results from our experiments show that while GKE standard performs best for most scenarios, GCR is always cheaper wrt costs.


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