MimicGAN: Robust Projection onto Image Manifolds with Corruption Mimicking

by   Rushil Anirudh, et al.

In the past few years, generative models like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have dramatically advanced our ability to represent and parameterize high-dimensional, non-linear image manifolds. As a result, they have been widely adopted across a variety of applications, ranging from challenging inverse problems like image completion, to being used as a prior in problems such as anomaly detection and adversarial defense. A recurring theme in many of these applications is the notion of projecting an image observation onto the manifold that is inferred by the generator. In this context, Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) has been the most popular approach, which essentially searches for a latent representation with the goal of minimizing discrepancy between a generated image and the given observation. However, PGD is an extremely brittle optimization technique that fails to identify the right projection when the observation is corrupted, even by a small amount. Unfortunately, such corruptions are common in the real world, for example arbitrary images with unknown crops, rotations, missing pixels, or other kinds of distribution shifts requiring a more robust projection technique. In this paper we propose corruption-mimicking, a new strategy that utilizes a surrogate network to approximate the unknown corruption directly at test time, without the need for additional supervision or data augmentation. The proposed projection technique significantly improves the robustness of PGD under a wide variety of corruptions, thereby enabling a more effective use of GANs in real-world applications. More importantly, we show that our approach produces state-of-the-art performance in several GAN-based applications – anomaly detection, domain adaptation, and adversarial defense, that rely on an accurate projection.


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