MinDelay: Low-latency Forwarding and Caching Algorithms for Information-Centric Networks

by   Milad Mahdian, et al.

We present a new unified framework for minimizing congestion-dependent network cost in information-centric networks by jointly optimizing forwarding and caching strategies. As caching variables are integer-constrained, the resulting optimization problem is NP-hard. To make progress, we focus on a relaxed version of the optimization problem, where caching variables are allowed to be real-valued. We develop necessary optimality conditions for the relaxed problem, and leverage this result to design MinDelay, an adaptive and distributed joint forwarding and caching algorithm, based on the conditional gradient algorithm. The MinDelay algorithm elegantly yields feasible routing variables and integer caching variables at each iteration, and can be implemented in a distributed manner with low complexity and overhead. Over a wide range of network topologies, simulation results show that MinDelay typically has significantly better delay performance in the low to moderate request rate regions. Furthermore, the MinDelay and VIP algorithms complement each other in delivering superior delay performance across the entire range of request arrival rates.


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