MPRAD: A Multiparametric Radiomics Framework

by   Vishwa S. Parekh, et al.

Multiparametric radiological imaging is vital for detection, characterization and diagnosis of many different diseases. The use of radiomics for quantitative extraction of textural features from radiological imaging is increasing moving towards clinical decision support. However, current methods in radiomics are limited to using single images for the extraction of these textural features and may limit the applicable scope of radiomics in different clinical settings. Thus, in the current form, they are not capable of capturing the true underlying tissue characteristics in high dimensional multiparametric imaging space. To overcome this challenge, we have developed a multiparametric imaging radiomic framework termed MPRAD for extraction of radiomic features from high dimensional datasets. MPRAD was tested on two different organs and diseases; breast cancer and cerebrovascular accidents in brain, commonly referred to as stroke. The MPRAD framework classified malignant from benign breast lesions with excellent sensitivity and specificity of 87 an AUC of 0.88 providing a 9 parameters. More importantly, in breast, the glandular tissue MPRAD were similar between each group with no significance differences. Similarly, the MPRAD features in brain stroke demonstrated increased performance in distinguishing the perfusion-diffusion mismatch compared to single parameter radiomics and there were no differences within the white and gray matter tissue. In conclusion, we have introduced the use of multiparametric radiomics into a clinical setting


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