Multi-Feature Vision Transformer via Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Improvement of COVID-19 Diagnosis

by   Xiao Qi, et al.

The role of chest X-ray (CXR) imaging, due to being more cost-effective, widely available, and having a faster acquisition time compared to CT, has evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic. To improve the diagnostic performance of CXR imaging a growing number of studies have investigated whether supervised deep learning methods can provide additional support. However, supervised methods rely on a large number of labeled radiology images, which is a time-consuming and complex procedure requiring expert clinician input. Due to the relative scarcity of COVID-19 patient data and the costly labeling process, self-supervised learning methods have gained momentum and has been proposed achieving comparable results to fully supervised learning approaches. In this work, we study the effectiveness of self-supervised learning in the context of diagnosing COVID-19 disease from CXR images. We propose a multi-feature Vision Transformer (ViT) guided architecture where we deploy a cross-attention mechanism to learn information from both original CXR images and corresponding enhanced local phase CXR images. We demonstrate the performance of the baseline self-supervised learning models can be further improved by leveraging the local phase-based enhanced CXR images. By using 10% labeled CXR scans, the proposed model achieves 91.10% and 96.21% overall accuracy tested on total 35,483 CXR images of healthy (8,851), regular pneumonia (6,045), and COVID-19 (18,159) scans and shows significant improvement over state-of-the-art techniques. Code is available


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