Multi-point Vibration Measurement for Mode Identification of Bridge Structures using Video-based Motion Magnification

by   Zhexiong Shang, et al.

Image-based vibration mode identification gained increased attentions in civil and construction communities. A recent video-based motion magnification method was developed to measure and visualize small structure motions. This new approach presents a potential for low-cost vibration measurement and mode shape identification. Pilot studies using this approach on simple rigid body structures was reported. Its validity on complex outdoor structures have not been investigated. The objective is to investigate the capacity of video-based motion magnification approach in measuring the modal frequency and visualizing the mode shapes of complex steel bridges. A novel method that increases the performance of the current motion magnification for efficient structure modal analysis is introduced. This method was tested in both indoor and outdoor environments for validation. The results of the investigation show that motion magnification can be an efficient tool for modal analysis on complex bridge structures. With the developed method, mode frequencies of multiple structures are simultaneously measured and mode shapes of each structure are automatically visualized.


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