Necessity Feature Correspondence Estimation for Large-scale Global Place Recognition and Relocalization

by   Kyeongsu Kang, et al.

Global place recognition and 3D relocalization are one of the most important components in the loop closing detection for 3D LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). In order to find the accurate global 6-DoF transform by feature matching approach, various end-to-end architectures have been proposed. However, existing methods do not consider the false correspondence of the features, thereby unnecessary features are also involved in global place recognition and relocalization. In this paper, we introduce a robust correspondence estimation method by removing unnecessary features and highlighting necessary features simultaneously. To focus on the necessary features and ignore the unnecessary ones, we use the geometric correlation between two scenes represented in the 3D LiDAR point clouds. We introduce the correspondence auxiliary loss that finds key correlations based on the point align algorithm and enables end-to-end training of the proposed networks with robust correspondence estimation. Since the ground with many plane patches acts as an outlier during correspondence estimation, we also propose a preprocessing step to consider negative correspondence by removing dominant plane patches. The evaluation results on the dynamic urban driving dataset, show that our proposed method can improve the performances of both global place recognition and relocalization tasks. We show that estimating the robust feature correspondence is one of the important factors in place recognition and relocalization.


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