Nepal Himalaya Offers Considerable Potential for Pumped Storage Hydropower

by   Rupesh Baniya, et al.

There is a pressing need for a transition from fossil-fuel to renewable energy to meet the increasing energy demands and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Nepal Himalaya possesses substantial renewable energy potential that can be harnessed through hydropower projects due to its peculiar topographic characteristics and abundant water resources. However, the current exploitation rate is low owing to the predominance of run-of-river hydropower systems to support the nation's power system. The utility-scale storage facility is crucial in the load scenario of an integrated Nepalese power system to manage diurnal variation, peak demand, and penetration of intermittent energy sources. In this study, we first identify the potential of pumped storage hydropower across the country under multiple configurations by pairing lakes, hydropower projects, rivers, and available flat terrains. We then identify technically feasible pairs from those of potential locations. Infrastructural, environmental, operational, and other technical constraints govern the choice of feasible locations. We find the flat land-to-river configuration most promising over other configurations for Nepal. Our results provide insight into the potential of pumped storage hydropower and are of practical importance in planning sustainable power systems in the Himalayas.


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