Neural Architecture Search using Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy

by   Nilotpal Sinha, et al.

Evolution-based neural architecture search requires high computational resources, resulting in long search time. In this work, we propose a framework of applying the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) to the neural architecture search problem called CMANAS, which achieves better results than previous evolution-based methods while reducing the search time significantly. The architectures are modelled using a normal distribution, which is updated using CMA-ES based on the fitness of the sampled population. We used the accuracy of a trained one shot model (OSM) on the validation data as a prediction of the fitness of an individual architecture to reduce the search time. We also used an architecture-fitness table (AF table) for keeping record of the already evaluated architecture, thus further reducing the search time. CMANAS finished the architecture search on CIFAR-10 with the top-1 test accuracy of 97.44 accuracy of 83.24 the searches on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 were then transferred to ImageNet, achieving the top-5 accuracy of 92.6


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