Next-Best View Policy for 3D Reconstruction

by   Daryl Peralta, et al.

Manually selecting viewpoints or using commonly available flight planners like circular path for large-scale 3D reconstruction using drones often results in incomplete 3D models. Recent works have relied on hand-engineered heuristics such as information gain to select the Next-Best Views. In this work, we present a learning-based algorithm called Scan-RL to learn a Next-Best View (NBV) Policy. To train and evaluate the agent, we created Houses3K, a dataset of 3D house models. Our experiments show that using Scan-RL, the agent can scan houses with fewer number of steps and a shorter distance compared to our baseline circular path. Experimental results also demonstrate that a single NBV policy can be used to scan multiple houses including those that were not seen during training. The link to Scan-RL is available at and Houses3K dataset can be found at


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