NoisyHate: Benchmarking Content Moderation Machine Learning Models with Human-Written Perturbations Online

by   Yiran Ye, et al.

Online texts with toxic content are a threat in social media that might cause cyber harassment. Although many platforms applied measures, such as machine learning-based hate-speech detection systems, to diminish their effect, those toxic content publishers can still evade the system by modifying the spelling of toxic words. Those modified words are also known as human-written text perturbations. Many research works developed certain techniques to generate adversarial samples to help the machine learning models obtain the ability to recognize those perturbations. However, there is still a gap between those machine-generated perturbations and human-written perturbations. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark test set containing human-written perturbations online for toxic speech detection models. We also recruited a group of workers to evaluate the quality of this test set and dropped low-quality samples. Meanwhile, to check if our perturbation can be normalized to its clean version, we applied spell corrector algorithms on this dataset. Finally, we test this data on state-of-the-art language models, such as BERT and RoBERTa, and black box APIs, such as perspective API, to demonstrate the adversarial attack with real human-written perturbations is still effective.


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