Non-Adversarial Image Synthesis with Generative Latent Nearest Neighbors

by   Yedid Hoshen, et al.

Unconditional image generation has recently been dominated by generative adversarial networks (GANs). GAN methods train a generator which regresses images from random noise vectors, as well as a discriminator that attempts to differentiate between the generated images and a training set of real images. GANs have shown amazing results at generating realistic looking images. Despite their success, GANs suffer from critical drawbacks including: unstable training and mode-dropping. The weaknesses in GANs have motivated research into alternatives including: variational auto-encoders (VAEs), latent embedding learning methods (e.g. GLO) and nearest-neighbor based implicit maximum likelihood estimation (IMLE). Unfortunately at the moment, GANs still significantly outperform the alternative methods for image generation. In this work, we present a novel method - Generative Latent Nearest Neighbors (GLANN) - for training generative models without adversarial training. GLANN combines the strengths of IMLE and GLO in a way that overcomes the main drawbacks of each method. Consequently, GLANN generates images that are far better than GLO and IMLE. Our method does not suffer from mode collapse which plagues GAN training and is much more stable. Qualitative results show that GLANN outperforms a baseline consisting of 800 GANs and VAEs on commonly used datasets. Our models are also shown to be effective for training truly non-adversarial unsupervised image translation.


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